when hub and I post here, we're posting for so many different reasons, and that would be
according to the question or topic that we are led to...a very important aspect of giving/sharing
a question or an appeal for help is having the Spiritual discernment to discern what the person
really needs or is really asking - it should never be about 'petting' our own ego, for after
Conversion Jesus has an amazing way of 'deflating' them! humility is always good, but very
difficult for many to learn, especially because of the ways of this fallen-world, but it is a very
important 'requirement' to be a sensitive and understanding servant of God and His people...
the things that both of us have learned here at CC, has very much enriched our lives, as well
as introducing us to so many beautiful hearts with such good intentions

- of course there is always
the 'other-side', only wanting to create discord or create un-profitable arguments, and then, there is
and always will be those who the 'wiley-one' sends and controls
