I didn't think I needed a yes or no since the no was emphatically implied in my post. I guess that went right over your head. My post got divided into 2 parts. Did you read the second part?
I didn't think I needed a yes or no since the no was emphatically implied in my post. I guess that went right over your head. My post got divided into 2 parts. Did you read the second part?
I agree with your assessment that we live in a secular nation now. The major protestant denominations have been taken over by secular ministers who are there for access to the money. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. Gary North wrote a book Crossed Fingers detailing the takeover of Presbyterian USA by secular ministers defrocking Minister Mechan who was the last Christian minister controlling a pot of money. At present there are still gospel preaching sub denominations of the big ones. Presbyterian PCA and Lutheran Missouri Synod are the 2 I know about. A little less than half of the country attend church regularly. Only a splinter of them ever hear the gospel message. At an after evening invitational service I talked to a person who attended a Lutheran church and he heard the gospel message for the first time. I attend a Presbyterian PCA church.
At issue is how do we deal with non Christians. What does the Bible teach us? We are to love them. Is it love to get in their face about their sins? With our fellow Christian Christians we are to first approach them privately about their sins we see. We do this in a loving manner. If they don't change we are to approach an elder to help in the situation. With non Christians all we can do is to do what evangelism classes teach. Be a friend first. Then if they bring up the sin issue share the gospel message telling them that grace through faith in Jesus gives them the removal of their sins and helps them overcome the sin urge. They need to understand that that all of us sin but work to overcome those urges.
Giving love is the only way to reach them. Getting in their face about it just runs them off.
At issue is how do we deal with non Christians. What does the Bible teach us? We are to love them. Is it love to get in their face about their sins? With our fellow Christian Christians we are to first approach them privately about their sins we see. We do this in a loving manner. If they don't change we are to approach an elder to help in the situation. With non Christians all we can do is to do what evangelism classes teach. Be a friend first. Then if they bring up the sin issue share the gospel message telling them that grace through faith in Jesus gives them the removal of their sins and helps them overcome the sin urge. They need to understand that that all of us sin but work to overcome those urges.
Giving love is the only way to reach them. Getting in their face about it just runs them off.
After all that, God said “Fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Get rid of the gods your ancestors worshiped but if serving and obeying the Lord is such a undesirable thing for you to do? Then choose this day who you will serve. But Joshua said “ But as for me and my House we will serve the Lord. I disagree with the statement of the " secular nation " the people of God have to either live for God or not. The issue is not how we deal with non-christians but m how God will judge the unsaved, and what we are doing to procliam truth. this is not about lutherans, and other protestant denominations taken over by secular. The issue is those who have laid down to false gods and are serving them. They do not have fear of the Lord anymore and have perverted the Love of God to accept sin.
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