Repent and believe in the gospel.
Sackcloth and ashes.
From dust you come and to dust you shall return.
40 days to change.
Prepare your heart for the resurrection.
From a heart of stone to a heart of flesh.
Present your bodies a living sacrifice. (Giving up stuff for Lent)
To rejoice over the resurrection, you must feel pain over Christ's death on the cross.
I had posted this on page 1.
I thought it would be nice to take a look at each line and discover why Lent is celebrated by the RCC and some Protestant churches.
1. Repent and believe in the gospel.
Lent begins on Wednesday, approx. 40 days before Easter. It's approx. because it really is more than 40 days.
It begins on Ash Wednesday (for theRCC) and ends on Holy Thursday. There are 5 Sundays in Lent, plus Palm Sunday and up to Holy Thursday.
Ash Wednesday is very significant. Lent is a time to repent and turn toward God and deepen our relationship with Him.
In the O.T., ashes were used to demonstrate repentence.
Job 42:5-6
Job repents in dust and ashes.
Daniel 9:3
To come closer to God, Daniel offered God prayer, supplications, fasting, sackcloth and ashes.
And in the N.T., Jesus' words:
Mathew 11:21
He is reproaching the cities which did not repent although He performed many miracles there:
Jesus says that if the miracles had occurre in Tyre and Sidon they would have repented in sackcloth and ashes.
So Ash Wednesday is symbolic to show that we are to repent of our sins. To remind us that God is gracious with all those who repent. It is a sign of a humble heart and a reminder to us that this earthly life is temporary.
When the priest makes the sign of the cross on the forehead of the believer (in the RCC) he chooses between one of two verses:
1. Genesis 3.19
you are dust and to dust you shall return.
2. Mark 1:15
§Repent and believe in the gospel.
The ashes are made with the palms or olive branches of the preceeding Palm Sunday, are blessed with holy water, and are perfumed with incense.
2. 40 days to change.
40 days are biblically indicative of a big change.
It rained 40 days and 40 nights and then a new world began and humanity was given a second chance.
The Hebrews spent 40 years in the Sinai Desert after being freed from slavery in Egypt by Moses.
Moses fasted for 40 days before going to Mr. Sinai to receive the 10 Commandments.
Jesus spent 40 days in the desert before beginning his ministry.
3. Prepare your heart for the resurrection
At the time of Easter the 40 days should be used to prepare the heart for an important event...
The passion and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.
It could be the first time we come to Him. Or it could be a drawing closer. We could Always contemplate our relationship with Him and make it better.
4. From a heart of stone to a heart of flesh
Ezekiel 36:26
"I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit in you. I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh, and give you a heart of flesh."
God is telling the scattered Jews that He is going to wash them clean. He'll put a new heart in them. One made of flesh, one that wants the will of God and not the will of one's self.
He'll put a new spirit in us and make it possible to live according to God's commands.
"You will be my people, and I will be your God."
5. Present your bodies a living sacrifice.
Romans 12:1 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Dedicated Service
12 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, [a]acceptable to God, which is your
spiritual service of worship.
This means to take your normal life, the life you live every day, and present it to God as a "living" sacrifice.
If we fix our attention on God, we will be transformed as Jesus wanted when He gave the Sermon on the Mount in Mathew 5.
God wants the best for us, if we will follow Him.
So during Lent it might be a good idea to fast on Fridays, or eliminate meat, or candy for children, or perhaps children could be taught to do something special, like visit he elderly in a nursing home, or visit sick relatives.
6. To receive the joy of the Resurrection, we must experience the pain of Christ's passion.
To be truly happy with our salvation and with life, we must somehow feel the pain that Jesus experienced on the cross.
Not only physical pain, but also emotional and spiritual pain. His own, the Jews, had put Him to Death and understood Him not. On the cross He took upon Himself the sins of the world. He who knew no sin, BECAME sin for us.
Lent could be an opportunity to contemplate the above in a special way.