I have carefully read all the posts in this thread. IMHO, your wife being angry, hypercritical, disrespectful and mean most of the time is NOT just her personality. I repeat, this is NOT just her personality. Partly, ok. It is has become part of her character by choice of her response to things past. She is in emotional pain and anxiety (fear, guilt, frustration over feeling like a failure) to the point that it has negatively effected her health, physically, mentally and spiritually. She can choose to let God change this, but seems like her pride and current health problems are getting in the way. Continue to pray for her, as I'm sure you are. As others have said, proper sleep and nutrition is imperative for her (look into the GAPS healing diet. If she has a mental illness, hormonal imbalance, gut imbalance, other disorder, this can help immensely! ).
Since you said that Words of Affirmation is her 2nd love language, tell her often how much you love her (how beautiful she is...etc) and how much you appreciate who she is as a child of God. That you appreciate what she does... flood her with love, but do give her space, as she needs it.
Please do tell her, with love and respect, but with gentle authority, how she hurts you when she disrespects you and how that is not God's way.
Ask her how you can help her through this. Suggestion: would she be ok with gentle distractions/ hugs / humor (not mockery) when she gets anxious, or wrapped up in anger? I will pray for your wife's physical and spiritual healing and calmness of spirit; for you, patience and wisdom; and for your household, peace and God's presence .
May I share one of my poems with devotional.... perhaps share it with her
Step into My Heart!
© 1996, 2012 Michele Vidor Krile
Step out from your own world
Step away from your fears
Step out of the old you
Into My world, where it’s clear
Step by step, closer to the Truth!
Step into grace and forgiveness
Into My mercy that heals
Step into My light that
Through you can be revealed
Step into more, I give no less!
Open your heart to My Holiness
Step right into compassion
Step into purposeful life, the best
Step right into the passion
From which I gave you breath!
Step into the Hope only I can give
Skip to the joy of learning who I am
In step with Me, know how to live
Step up to freedom, into Who I AM
One step more, come step into My heart!
Wherever you are in your spiritual walk with the Lord, whatever state your heart or physical body is in right now, God is whispering to your spirit: hope, truth, joy and abundant life in Him. Apart from an intimate walk with our Almighty, yet compassionate God, there is no abundant life. The world sets its sights on things like power, position, possession, wealth, success. And unlike Christ, the world will counsel you to believe in yourself to conquer your fears, that getting even makes us feel better, that there is no absolute truth, so telling little lies and half truths is ok, that you can do anything you want to and on your own strength, that you deserve to have it all.
Hmmm... How inviting, yet how deceiving. Make no mistake, many Christians are sadly deceived into thinking the "abundant life" and blessings is a life full of all the things we want and deserve. How unsatisfying, even for those who do reach their earthly goals! As believers we know our Creator breathed life into us and delights in giving us good things. But many of us have forgotten our first love and have been swayed by things instead of wooed by the voice and grace of God. Has this generation of the Body of Christ gotten so distracted by our busy lifestyles that we have foregone intimacy with God? Do we even seek more of God, more of His Word in our lives? Has America become complacent? Please don't become so sidetracked with anything in this earthly life that you don't yearn to see the face of Jesus. Let yourself fall in love with Jesus, your Redeemer, who is more than a hero and more worthy than any earthly figure to be worshiped. He has your heart in His hand, even while your body is on this earth! In Him we live and only in Him are we are overcomers! Through Him is our salvation and will come our healing and wholeness!
Don't be afraid to run past your comfort zone, deep into the adventure of truth and intimacy with Christ! What satisfying a life it is to have this purpose and to share that purpose with the lost, the hurt and the seeking! Jesus' prayer to the Father in John 17 is a moving example of intimacy with God.