Dude. What is the deal? Godlessgirl gets on here and makes all these lame threads about doubt and negativity. About why we shouldnt beleive. Like really, whats the deal here? Do you really think these threads are going to change anyones mind? I mean its not like anything that your talking about hasnt crossed the mind of EVERY christian beleiver out there. LIKE REALLY. Do you think your the only one that knows about the Evolution theory? Dont you think that every parent in the world has done the best with their children that they know how? Do you think that getting on here and trying to break people down for your own selfish needs is changing anyones mind about whats wrong in the world? SO therefore there is no way to disprove god. AND unless your saying that you KNOW hes not real for a fact, which Im sure your not trying to say, then wheres your point? What are you standing for? What are you fighting for? Its not okay for parents to raise their children in a christian household, but its sure okay to get on here and throw negativity and selfish needs everywhere you can get it. To wreck peoples hopes and dreams? WHY? SO maybe, just maybe its not about what we are NOT seeing...its about what your missing? And MAYBE JUST MAYBE every time you get on here with your selfish ways, and people get on here and comment and take the time out of their day to fight with you, and get their nerves wrecked, its not because THEY doubt. But because you do. I mean 2 people liked your status...and oracle2world, is basically putting it out there, that hes willing to pray with you if you ever needed it. SO maybe there is real love in the world. And maybe it is Jesus Christ. I know where you are, because Ive been there. And now Im a beleiver, and Im able to see people not because of how 'smart' they are. But because of who they are.And I dont know about you, but out of everything in this world I COULD fight over, my eternal life is the only thing worth fighting for. So if your willing to throw your will to live away, for a well Im smarter than god, knowing that the bible teaches that he is the only way, and that truth and light can shine through all that... I dont know what else to say, except, I will drink the water of everlasting life. And I hope that someone somwhere, is able to get to you, and change your mind. You are loved.