Its more than just the media portrait... Its the fact that I watch Disney channel and they sing songs about getting their favorite presents ... The closest they get to anything biblical is saying the word "Saint" in old saint nick... And these are children's shows... Celebrating a former Christian holiday, but if any show was to bring up the name Christ, and explain the origin of this holiday and its true meaning... It would be ostracized, and people would scream that Christians are cramming their belief's onto other people... But they are the one watering down our holiday, and telling us how to portrait it, and if we correct anyone, we are the bad guys...
I would love to see them do to Eid El-Fitr as what they did to Christmas...
Can you imagine the media's outrage if a group of non believers said they are practicing the holiday by not spend a dime on shoes for the whole month of the islamic celebration of ramadan.... And once the month is over everyone blows all their money on as much shoes as possible...
Man the media would massacre that group... Let alone the islamic believers...