I would have liked to see Monica Lewinsky or Paula Jones or Gennifer Flowers, etc., in the audience tonight when possible first-lady Bill gives his speech. No need to shout or say anything, just to have the cameras show them sitting stoicly every once in a while. I did hear that some of the youth aren't very fond of Bill. They weren't around or old enough to be affected (that they know of) one way or another by his presidency or politics, and mostly what they know is that they heard about his affairs and is probably a slimy creep, so he's not as universally well-liked as some might think, but sadly, the cheers will likely drown out their voices anyway, but wow, I sure would have liked to see Monica there tonight. Sorry, I guess I'm a bit of a cynic, and I really need to be nicer and look to Jesus for forgiveness and grace, but these Clintons and Obamas and the leftists in general kind of disgust me sometimes I can't see how people don't see right through them. I just keep thinking of Ambassador Stevens and company and their families. God help us.