Another reason why I can't vote for the GOP for the foreseeable future (except when independent candidates are not available in opposing a Boxer or a Feinstein who are so poisonous it will be a sin not to vote for the candidate most likely to unseat them) is due to their insane desire to push every poor person in the U.S. who cannot afford health insurance into the gutter without adequate healthcare under the guise of tax credits.
I can't support it so the GOP loses my vote. I cannot vote for any GOP candidate who supports a policy of government democide by negligence and most of them presently do support that and do so covertly through replacing adequate healthcare for poor people with tax credits.
But the poor make so little money that the tax credits don't matter as they can't afford the uber-expensive health insurance premiums with the tax credits much less the deductibles, co pays, co-insurance amounts, etc...
The GOP is playing a con game to remove adequate health care from a material percentage of the U.S. population and I do not nor can ever support that. The fact they do it as a con game makes it worse. Healthcare is different than most other forms of social assistance. It's a non-negotiable and the GOP is on the wrong side of it.
GOP Begins Assault on Elderly, Poor, Disabled, Math, and Reason�|�Richard Zombeck
The GOP Plan For Obamacare | On Point with Tom Ashbrook
Will I vote for Hillary or a like-minded Democrat? NO. In fact, I have never voted for a single Democrat in my entire life. But I'm not going to support government democide with the GOP seems intent on pursuing either. They can pursue it without me. I'm third party all the way now.