The Fed is in the firm control of the federal government. A lot of people want to believe that the banks own the Fed, and so-called "Rothschild banking dynasty" -- which hasn't existed for over 90 years -- owns the banks. Not true.
Ownership of the Fed gets confusing due to the fact the regional Fed banks issue stock to their member banks. That stock pays a fixed six percent dividend that technically gives those banks a share of the Fed’s profits on an annual basis. But this surface fact needs some perspective.
Last year, for example, the Fed earned $90.5 billion, paying out a little over &1.6 billion in dividends. The remaining $88 billion was remitted back to the U.S. Treasury, even though Treasury doesn’t technically own shares in the Fed.
Under the law authorizing the creation of the Federal Reserve system in December of 1913, the Fed is required to remit its profits at the end of the year back to the Federal Government. Obviously, that remittance often dwarfs any dividends paid back to the banks. In other words, the US Treasury is the recipient of most of the Fed’s profits.
So the claims of the conspiracy theorists are bogus. No federal fiscal policy is made by the Fed, and if the commission acts to raise or lower interest rates at what Congress considers a risky or ill-advised pace, they can overrule it. There is a lot to criticize about the way the Fed operates, but the "Rothschild banking empire" claim is as bogus as $3 bill.
if the rothchilds and rockerfellers are not involved, then who are? who sets the agenda for the fed?
Fed banks issue stock to their member banks.
who are these member banks? here is a hint, they are the true power behind the fed.
there are many red flags with the fed that dont add up.
if its gov, why do we pay so much interest to it?
why are their members secret?
why do they cause economic waves that only benefit the few.
and on and on.
cui bono - ask a simple fundamental question, who benefits from the fed?
read history, anytime banks get involved and start their monaplies you see the same trends, the few get everything and the masses are reduced to slaves. how are the masses doing today?
No federal fiscal policy is made by the Fed, and if the commission acts to raise or lower interest rates at what Congress considers a risky or ill-advised pace, they can overrule it.
the fed is not held accountable by congress. why would the banks spend so many millions in lobbying congress to cut banking regulation? who benefits from that?
i dont get my info from CNN or mainstrem news, they lie about everything so why would i trust them. most my knowledge comes from university academics who have spent many years studying it and they dont seem to have a biased agenda. i am by no means the expert but these are a few thngs i have learned.