Now this is just my opinion, so don't get to upset. lol They should have taken over Palestine 20 years ago! Common sense tells us there would never be a peace between the two! God had no problem wiping out idol worshipers! (Ezekiah 30:13!!) Israel has screwed around thinking there could be peace, well as all can see this is not possible!
Take it over once and for all!! Many may say but what about the innocent?? My friends as a Vietnam Veteran there is NO INNOCENCE IN WAR!! And in this case how can you tell them apart?? You can't!
No mercy. no grace here!!! Take them or be taken that is Israel choice! May they make the right choice!! Hamas is ruthless. Israel must be even more ruthless to win! So get ready!!! Because Israel is moving forward!! They have already cut electricity and food, it should end quickly about a week or two, no holds barred now!!