Don't ruin the trip some people are on dude... Some people like to believe in war and violence and bad things happening. People have been believing in the same thing for centuries and thinking that they are God's select. And then they die and there was no rapture in their time.
However they may have been a part of the cause of violence, but they never think that. They think that God selects them over others. In the meantime, get your prepper pack half price today, and make sure you have lots of ammo. If you have enough ammo, then when a nuclear bomb is dropping, you can shoot it down. But only if you buy the latest weapons. Only if you keep buying guns and prep packs.
Does anyone ever question why mainstream wants to focus on such a thing? You know, fear, violence, bad things happening? Is mainstream a part of God? Does God use the news networks? Conspiracy networks?
Well if you believe in violence, war, and bad things happening and you say you believe in God, then maybe the God you believe in is one who likes violence, war and allowing bad things to happen.
I would rather dedicate my time doing good things, not for salvation, not for a golden ticket to heaven, but because it's the right thing to do.
Waiting for the end and saying that is when you will bother, that this time in between doesn't matter, just you and those around you, is more a function of self-preservation. Is that what God loves? The self-preserved? Maybe they will be first to go, who knows. But then I would have to engage with thinking of God selectively wiping people out (imagining violence and death).