You are completely lost and deluded into the propaganda.
Your several responses like this one, are why many people will not even engage in these discussions.
If you want to inform and educate people to your views because you think they are the correct views, then you should present your information, cite credible resources, and never make disparaging remarks about the people you are trying to have a conversation with as it ruins the pathway of communication.
Benjamin Franklin gives much of the credit of his success in life with being able to stop and think about saying things in a way that would make it easy for his opponent to agree with him. So a mixture of credible information and sources, and being nice to the ones you are trying to communicate with goes a long way in having others consider the validity of your statements.
Unless your desire is simply to hatefully vent, call names, and hurt people, but I doubt that you would have such a motive since you love the Lord Jesus Christ and want to please him. My guess is that you are passionate about your views, which means you probably want to convince others to agree with you, which means you probably want to learn the best way of accomplishing that goal, and that is why I am trying to give you some feedback to help you with that objective.
Our emotions can sometimes cause us to ruin any possibility of positive communication and then we are just striving and the scriptures tell us that "the servant of the Lord must not strive" I heard the Lord tell me this last week in a very strong way. I was thinking about how Christians getting into an attitude of "striving" over such things as the HCQ drug grieves the Holy Spirit and it will affect our anointing and ability to minister the Life of Christ to others. You can believe whatever you want about this drug or other subjects like Bill Gates but once you start condemn those that do not share your views you have made relationships second place to other less important things.
I am not picking on you personally, I assume others will read this and so I am saying it for the sake of the whole cite as everyone knows we need to keep saying these things.
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