SonInMe, you have never dealt with same-sex attraction. I however do. I despise my sinful flesh, but I don't go out preaching hate. You have, by preaching that it's all about sex, when it isn't.
To go against natural systems in a way that actual bodily harm exists is a fairly demanding proclamation that homosexual activities are all about sex.
You do understand that love exists outside of sex?
You do understand that the bible says love does not delight in sin? That means in sin there is no love.
I understand sexual perversion very well. It may not have been homosexuality, may not have been, but I understand quite well what seeking sex primarily does to someone and the changes someone makes in their lives to fulfill those desires. It becomes all consuming.
To put it simply, a homosexual is a sexual pervert. They have a limited base to choose from and as it is with all sexual perverts, they want more and more sex. To get that, they must promote it. Since there is a political ideology all ready to embrace another set of people living outside of biblical principles, they get what they want.
Promotion. This fight has nothing to do with rights as I said earlier. Its about getting some.
To suggest there is love in homosexual unions cheapens the meaning of the word love and goes against clear cut biblical principles. You can feel what you want to and believe me, men and women have confused love with so many other things today its really hard to define love anymore, but the fact is love is so much more than the little flutter in your heart when you see someone you are ''attracted'' to.