I mean, of course we resort to the Bible and God and pray the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to us. That is moot though. I ask because I have a lot of Christian family and friends who completely agree with him. I think he says many truthful things, but it's not completely correct. I don't know if I'm part of the majority or minority. Either way, it's up to me to find out the truth and go to the Bible and Heavenly Father for the doctrine (which was the point you were making).
I have been too hard on you personally and apologize. You aren't cursing Pastor Anderson, even though others certainly do.
I'm the only person on this forum who posts brother Anderson's gospel messages, so this thread is actually between you and me.
I have two of the biggest challenges in my life right now and don't need more drama which is why I don't think the timing of your post and another is incidental or coincidental.
I post his gospel presentations because they are very clear and I think they are some of the best in my collection. My desire is to share with others what someone cared enough to share with me as a teen...how to have a home in heaven.
Brother Anderson has a lot of enemies. He happens to be the most attacked preacher in the LGBPEDO world. The liberal media has used that to get their dying ratings up AND There are people who are paid to attack his church and others.
I first found out about the man when he was tortured by border patrol agents well within the state. They slammed his head and ground his face into the jagged window. Then the group stood around him shooting him with hundreds of thousands of volts of electricity and mocked him.
I know what it's like to get yelled at and I also know what it's like to have sharp stones ground under the face, against the skull, flesh ripped off. Guess what's worse?
I wanted to meet with him briefly at a conference where he was a speaker, but he was too busy sharing the gospel with those in need one on one, so I didn't interrupt.
Eventually I watched some of his preaching on YouTube before the homosexuals got him banned. The devil was surely pleased as much as some Christians on this forum. I'm not speaking of you Smoke, I admit.
Eventually the American government paid other countries and media to ban him from entrance. Whenever a missions trip was scheduled, they would contact the government of those countries to prevent he and his family from entrance. Some of his church members were even jailed in at least one mission trip for committing no crimes. Don't let anyone in this thread tell you otherwise. They don't know what they are doing.
As to the guy in the service that was kicked out, I would have handled it differently, but it's not my church or place to tell him what he should have done. I wasn't in his shoes, nor was anyone else here who pretends to know.
The closest I've been to someone coming up to the podium was a man who had dementia. I walked away from the pulpit so others would not be distracted and asked someone to help him. That was totally different though.
I have a couple friends who are oneness Apostolics. I don't expect them to hire Baptists as their pastor or deacons.
Brother Anderson is a Baptist. He interviews and trains men and they have to agree to basic beliefs before hiring staff. Everyone agreed to the basic doctrines and attended there a long time. One requirement is they have to be Trinitarians to be serving as evangelist or deacons. He already fired a previous staff member who undermined the church and took families away to move with him to his oneness church he started pastoring.
Pastor Anderson published 48 short messages on passages proving the Trinity in addition to other longer congregational messages.
He hired new staff and they agreed to the church doctrines which were traditional Baptist. Guess what? The same demon who infiltrated through the others, did the same through two more staff. He had just found out and was in the process of calling them out before the church and nipping the false teaching in the bud when guess who the devil sent at the exact time it would cause the biggest reaction? Out of thousands of hours of teaching and preaching, when brother Anderson was fuming about the deacon and evangelist he was then firing, "Michael the Archangel" keeps insisting that a prayer be read. Members of the church apparently warned him about the guy who claimed he was God's top angel who insisted he read a strange prayer he had. My perspective is that it wasn't Michael, but rather he had a fallen angel sent to infiltrate and further disrupt by knowing how to push the pastor's buttons. I've dealt with demons before and the picture in the avatar above represents that battle against the damned demon. They study us and know how to use external forces/ people to manipulate.and destroy. As to what should be done about it by the forum?
I think the lost should trust Jesus Christ and get saved. 90+% Were brief gospel messages similar to the ones I share locally.
The last time someone told me to quit posting his gospel presentations many months ago, I prayed for her and realized that there should be twice as much good news shared here and everywhere, so I doubled down.
The time before that, the sodomite men elsewhere online tried to stop the gospel by posting gross queer porn, attacking the gospel presenters and their families and much more than I care to mention now.
When I'm faced with a decision as to whose side to take, a pastor who has led his church to reach over a million people with the good news.......
Sodomites who threaten to murder Christian families and do unspeakable things to the women and children, it's a no brainier.
The enemies of God, the devils in special gvt offices, their libtard propaganda media come up with the attacks on churches that are reaching the lost. That's not the only pastor, but has been through more than those who are afraid to risk persecution by avoiding certain passages of the Bible.
I'll stand with my brothers and sisters who are serving the Lord. I don't want to anger God by erring on the wrong side of such a war.
May that video be a blessing..
Also check out This for something that might help with the family challenge.
To your health and happiness
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