Okay... all the love in this thread aside...
If you think the 'jab' is good, get it. If you're suspicious of it, like I am, don't. We will each reap the result of our choices. People die from the virus (not as many as the media makes it sound, and while it has contributed to a lot of deaths, it is NOT an airborne AIDS), and some have suffered from the "vaccine". Frankly at this point I'm not sure who has all of the correct info about this, but here are some of my thoughts:
1. It has not had the normal vetting time of most previous vaccines. This means there
could be long-term consequences down the line. We may not know for a while.
2. 97% of all new cases in the US are among the non-vaccinated.
3. My father is about 80, and his health is not good. At his age and with his "comorbidities", he's in the high-risk zone. So, having medical PoA, I authorized his facility to give him the shot.
4. As for me, I will not. If I get the virus, I will request hydrochloroquine or ivermectin, and let my body create its own antibodies.
Look, in the past year, we've seen a bonafide fascist/communist insurrection in our streets. The power structure in those zones
backed them up. These mayors and governors should be arrested for treason, IMHO.
But... climate change, covid, and the evil racism of America are being pushed as existential crises to justify a "great reset". In other words, they're authoritarian-wannabes who are doing what the fascist and communist movements of the 20th century did -- create, exaggerate, and exploit crises, and make them permanent to justify a militarization of the population.
I can explain in much more detail and draw clearer lines, but no one would read the post. So this is a Reader's Digest version of my thoughts.
Now... this makes me suspicious of the vaccine and the hysterical push to get it. Therefore, between this and the medical reasons I mentioned above, I will not be getting it. In fact, I may engage in civil disobedience if push comes to shove. But, if you're 80 and have diabetes or asthma, I wouldn't blink if you decided to get one of these shots.
I don't believe this thing contains the mark of the beast, but I do believe -- only because it looks this way and not because I can prove it -- that the Leftists in our power class, and a few on the Right, seem to be exploiting this thing to see just how much they can order us around. This has dark implications going forward.
So, in my opinion, get it
if you want, but not because you're
feeling pressured.
Have fun folks. I think I can guess the responses I'm going to get LOL... so I just wanted to drop my thoughts in and you may do with them what you will

Just, please, don't give in to National Enquirer-style conspiracy theories. That only makes us look ridiculous in the eyes of the world, and we don't need to hand our spiritual enemies ammunition.