Still deliberately missing the point.
while I don't condone the violence and destruction, I can empathize with the anger that caused it
People are tired of police officers abusing their authority and terrorizing citizens
Did you see the video where an officer shoved an elderly man who was just trying to return a helmet? Cracked the guy's skull
Maybe the police will need to know that America will revolt if they don't stop with the Gestapo tactics
while I don't condone the violence and destruction, I can empathize with the anger that caused it
People are tired of police officers abusing their authority and terrorizing citizens
Did you see the video where an officer shoved an elderly man who was just trying to return a helmet? Cracked the guy's skull
Maybe the police will need to know that America will revolt if they don't stop with the Gestapo tactics
It was hardly 'Gestapo'esc' as a standard tactic, technique and procedure to clear the street; which included verbal instructions for all persons to move back accordingly...
To be honest - I was more disturbed that the team leader - fixated upon his teams formation and the next group of protesters who were not complying with the verbal instructions - called in for the unit medic to come forward to tend to the injured old man... rather than allow the guy who realized what had happened - from administering immediate aid to the fallen man...
It absolutely was avoidable... but unfortunately, where humans are involved 'to err is human, to forgive is divine.'
Reminds me of Pat Tillman's accidental death from blue-on-blue fratricide... Where there too (similar to old man), there was no 'intent' to kill him (while there was intent to kill David Dorn) - it was a gross case of negligence in the performance and execution of their units tactics, techniques and procedures... Those individuals involved are accountable... AND instead of rioting and demanding bottom-up change - the services collectively worked harder to improve their training, understanding and risk mitigation associated with their tactics, techniques and procedures... While fratricides have greatly diminished - unfortunately, they will never be without defects...
Speaking of footage - I also saw the video taped killing of Retired Police Chief David Dorn while guarding a facility - was shot and video taped bleeding to death - with no one trying to come to his aid nor calling 911 for assistance... So Sad... Imagine a Country without Law Enforcement... Who are people gonna call?
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