I'm not sure his music video "promotes" gun violence. I mean, do first person shooter games promote violence? If you ask adults 10-20 years ago the answer was "yes". Since studying humor behavior and the affects of violent games, they (professionals) have concluded gamers are not more likely to commits acts of violence... some studies suggest they are even less likely to do it as counter-intuitive as it might sound.
(This isn't a defense for him or his music by the way. I don't like it whatsoever, but just because I don't like it doesn't mean I'm going to say it "promotes" violence.)
The Processionals? That can be a scary term.
Whats going on is a desensitizing of what is good and normal in our eyes. Good thing God gave us the Bible for what is Truth and Light
Look at movies and shows from the 50's and 60;s. Music for the most part was positive. TV had good positive family shows. Very innocent TV shows. Darn things are so innocent for today's standards that they are hard to watch.
Now days most everything is about murder ,killings, lust, cheating, disrespect, gay lifestyles, dysfunctional family's, profanity, stressful situations , etc. This is now the New Normal. Thats what the entertainment industry wants us to believe. The bar keeps on being set lower. Same sex marriage. transgender is normal. Whats next, Marriage between people and animal?
Lots of what is going on the world calls as being Progressive? Taking a Biblical view. This is pure darkness at work