Cars don't kill people, people with cars kill people.
That's why you have to study, take a test, and get a license to drive a car. Not so with a gun.
Gee, your analogy kinda falls apart right there, doesn't it?
No, it doesn't.
People who conflate the 2nd amendment with abortion won't realize that.
The only semblance of relationship the OT gun topic has to this thread is among those who believe violating people's Constitutional rights keeps us safe.
How about we violate the first amendment? No more religious freedom. Because any religion's zealots pose a threat to the non-religious.
Keep your faith to yourselves. And we'll all be safe. Besides, faith is personal. It doesn't need to go public when that can upset the moral framework others hold dear.
I know, let's repeal the amendment that repealed slavery.
Just look at how contemporary black people abuse their freedoms. BLM, for instance.
Ran by racists who publicly boast they're trained Marxists.
BLM, pays for TV ad space wherein they state all lives can't matter until black lives matter.
And then their membership prices it through acts of terrorist, vandalism, and murder.
What's next? Who wants to repeal the first amendment also due to the abuses of the Cancel Culture?
If you're not free to opine,you'll be less likely to riot. Two birds with one stone, since this would also shut down BLM.
So much Constitution, so little time.