Socialism is not "coming" to the US, the greedy capitalists won't allow it (they'll use a socialist/communist system such as China to enrich themselves) - they don't care what "ism" is in power so long as they have control of the economy.
The problem with the right wing minion supporters of the GCs is they think that they benefit when Gc's rule, which they do in the US - big money has fully taken over democracy down there - it should be called a Capitalocracy.
The only choice you have is between the Dems that somewhat have a heart for the working class and the poor or the GOP that don't.
The problem with the right wing minion supporters of the GCs is they think that they benefit when Gc's rule, which they do in the US - big money has fully taken over democracy down there - it should be called a Capitalocracy.
The only choice you have is between the Dems that somewhat have a heart for the working class and the poor or the GOP that don't.
Anyone who has even a little bit of historical perspective understands kingdoms rise and fall, power comes and goes. NOTHING except Christ and our sin nature is permanent.
Revolutions occur, the public rises, power changes hands.
If you think it can not happen here, wont "allow it" then I think you need to
reconsider what can and can not be.
It also ties into the beginning of the end, paving the way for the anti Christ.
We have to have one world government for the stage for the Anti Christ to come, all Christians realize that.
For that to happen, we more or less will have to have a common system of money and government.
Much of Europe, Russia, China, and some other countries are already doing some form of socialism.
Why it will come here:
- Robots and automation will take away many jobs. This may be greatest (secular) reason why, but there are others that important.
- The younger people seem to be of that mind; when they get old enough to swarm congress and senate and executive branches, they will go that way.
- People, and this is not even age dependent, generally dislike and distrust big companies. There will be little sympathy when they are taken over, or dissolved, or whatever.
- Human nature, being what it is, people want much with doing little. You don't think socialism appeals to our baser side? Why work hard when you don't need to?
- The most important reason; The bible never lies.
With a little hindsight and foresight, we now know, with robots and current political and social climate telling us so, that the one of the world unification factors will be
socialism, in some form.
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