Ok Just to summarize things on this Thread
Shortly after Jesus was born , satan used king Herod with one the most powerful military to try to kill messiah when he was a child , Afterwards many years after the original apostles, and many conficts wars.
There was a transfer of
power from the 'The Dragon'
Emperor of Pagan Rome to the Papacy 'beast out of the sea' , called the '
Justinian Code by the
emperor Justinian '. the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Revelation 13:
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
If we look into what the king in rome is doing at the UN with his " Laudato Si ' " it is , truly very interesting how the world is begining to wondered after him. The papacy meeting with " current 2017 " EU leaders, " 2017" google, "vatican global forum 2016" thee attendance of some of the most prestigious men across the world.
Fortune 500 ceo's , schollars, labor & church leaders, along side philanthropist from diffrent religions . They all attendent in order to form a new social compact for the 21 century with the papacy, Very unique move indeed , the merchants of the earth.
Along with thee once protestant , now apostate churches are playing a great part as well for the healing of it's wound " 2016 Together & The Gathering " uniting with all false doctrine to establish peace with all are just a example, of how things are truly changing.
Trump executive order for churches , is just a step forward to build up , the very things James Madison 4 president of the united states warn upon , church & state united. " A quick google search can prove anyone, that the power hungry churches are stating , his executive order is not enough we need more power.
Now unto scripture
Revelation 13
The Beast Out of the Earth
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him,
and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
As for the individuals that are trying to bait me , for some personal gain beyond my understanding. Trying to form a false perspective on this particular thread on scripture , as hating the men or women that have serve there country america. This is not even being discuss to begin with. Revelation 13 shows a nation with a powerful military capable of forcing the entire world to worship the first Beast.
What nation will you discuss being thee Rev 13 The Beast Out of the Earth , that is what this thread is open to discuss upon, america has a powerful military along with it's allies , and personally i don't see any other country capable of diismantle such power. As for the men or women that are serving , weither it is this nation or another , depending upon each personal take on rev 13 The Beast Out of the Earth. Those soldiers will each have to make a personal decision, if they are of Christ.
Because if they are not born again , they will worship the Beast.