I will reiterate my point one final time.
It is futile to hang your hopes on a nation that is temporal instead of the eternal Kingdom that we are citizens of if we are heirs with Christ. You cannot serve two masters, this nation and the Lord. I pledge allegiance only to my King, who is coming here.
We are NOT going up, HE is coming down. "why do you look up?"
He is preparing a city for us in heaven and He said He will bring our reward with Him when He returns. When He returns in the clouds, He will resurrect the dead in Christ for the first time and gather them, with those who alive and remain, to be with Him where He is, and so shall we ever be with Him, where He is. Which will be HERE. On earth.
But go ahead with that protestant narrative and keep playing churchianity. Because for those who have made every effort to erase the "Israel" for your 'christian doctrine', and feel we are unobligated to be obedient to God's Commandments, and do not grasp how the Torah is the testimony of the Messiah, and how it explained the Gospel of the Kingdom, then the Lord you worship is a counterfeit Jesus.
I have preached the Gospel of the Kingdom for those who have ears to hear. The rest are blind, deaf, and dumb.
There is nothing here but a platform for false doctrine and an outlet for the pseudo-christian doctrine of lawless grace.
I found only a few that bore good fruit. I am led to move on. So I will kick the dust from my sandals and be gone.
This is my last post.
It is futile to hang your hopes on a nation that is temporal instead of the eternal Kingdom that we are citizens of if we are heirs with Christ. You cannot serve two masters, this nation and the Lord. I pledge allegiance only to my King, who is coming here.
We are NOT going up, HE is coming down. "why do you look up?"
He is preparing a city for us in heaven and He said He will bring our reward with Him when He returns. When He returns in the clouds, He will resurrect the dead in Christ for the first time and gather them, with those who alive and remain, to be with Him where He is, and so shall we ever be with Him, where He is. Which will be HERE. On earth.
But go ahead with that protestant narrative and keep playing churchianity. Because for those who have made every effort to erase the "Israel" for your 'christian doctrine', and feel we are unobligated to be obedient to God's Commandments, and do not grasp how the Torah is the testimony of the Messiah, and how it explained the Gospel of the Kingdom, then the Lord you worship is a counterfeit Jesus.
I have preached the Gospel of the Kingdom for those who have ears to hear. The rest are blind, deaf, and dumb.
There is nothing here but a platform for false doctrine and an outlet for the pseudo-christian doctrine of lawless grace.
I found only a few that bore good fruit. I am led to move on. So I will kick the dust from my sandals and be gone.
This is my last post.
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