I agree I always get a chuckle out of it when filling out forms because they ask for "race", then in a completely separate place they ask if "Latino or Hispanic"(which is correct because neither are a race),lol... I like explaining to census takers and other office employees that in fact all Hispanics are Latino but not all Latinos are Hispanic(some speak other languages). If they ask if I am Mexican I then have to explain to them that Mexican means that a person is a citizen of the nation named Mexico and that there are different races of people in Mexico(the nation). By then most times they ask if I'm American and so I have to explain to them that America is the name of a continent and not a country and that people in South America are in fact Americans the same as those in Central and north America are Americans. It all starts because they noticed that in the section where they ask race I checked white but then in the section where they ask if Hispanic or Latino I checked Hispanic. https://www.britannica.com/story/whats-the-difference-between-hispanic-and-latino
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