This has always amazed me. Trump is not in this for himself. Hillary is all for herself.
Trump has made his own money the hard way, he earned it. We have given Hillary her salary for thirty years.
Trump has spent his own money for his campaign. Hillary admits they were dead broke when they left the White House, and have now become millionaires a couple of hundred times over since then by milking the system (your money, and that of rich foreign "donors") She has not spent one dime of her own money in this campaign.
Trump was well respected by all who knew him. He is taking the crap of puny little whiners for one reason only... he hates what politicians have done to all of us, and he wants to bring our greatness back. Hillary is still selling us out, just like her partner, Barry.
Every breath the man takes is about helping America get off its knees, and stand tall again, working real jobs again. Yet most of the freeloaders would rather suck the teat of dependence on government.
So many of us have been infected with this cancer of "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie."