Quote "Spoken like a true Trump soldier."
Ya,no. If you've read my posts you'd know Im no rabid fan of Trump. Im a skeptic by nature. And this country is so far in the ditch I dont know what he'll be able to do in 4yrs. I hope he surprises me.
Quote "Have you noticed on the news that when Trump surrogates are asked a question about Trump that can't be defended with truth without them appearing to be defending the Indefensible,The surrogates will turn everthing around,as If saying Hillary Is so bad that Donald can do anything because we can't see ANYTHING wrong about what he does."
I'll quote my brother in law on this one. Im more concerned with what Hillary DOES than what Trump SAYS. Not a person living that doesn't have faults. But we're talking absolute corruption with Bill and Hillary. They are evil to the core of them. They couldn't tell the truth if it was sitting in the room with them. Nixon was put out of the WH for less than what Hillary has done. She is a corrupt liar. Yes, Trump can say stupid things,yes he has flaws. But that is nothing compared to the corruption and lying of Hillary. To tell the parents of the Benghazi dead that a video was responsible for their death knowing #$#% well it wasn't. She said in front of the coffins. That kind of evil,cold detachment. No, there is nothing to be said for it. Deleting thousands of emails. What they have done in Haiti. She supports abortion at any point in the pregnancy. No,no and says she admires Sanger?! I especially cant see why black voters would support her after that comment. No. Any Christian voting for Hillary has a serious problem.
I agree with pretty much everything you said about Hillary,she seems cold like when she said"what does It matter"Truth Is that,that statement she made,gave me chills,I'm no Hillary fan.
I don't like Donald Trump because IMO everyone treats him so GOD like,as If what he says makes sense and he Is fautless,although I understand your feelings on these two,one of them did(Hillary)and one of them just talks(Donald).
I don't like either but Donald questions my Intelligence and that kind of arrogance influences me In a bad way when I see other people drinking the kool-aid without any question,just going by the words "believe me"
because(Donald) has only talked ,he should be given a 4 year chance?
I would have been In agreement with that If I had heard a plan from him and he were Presidential but IMO he Is not and would be too risky.