I doubt If there are many If any Trump protesters out there doing all that craziness outwardly but, what do you think about a Clinton supporter getting punched at a Trump rally......Wait let me answer,see If I can guess what Trump will say:Trump has a right to tell his supporters "beat him up and I'll pay for any expenses you may Incur over this...
You see spiritually that stinks when someone says Hillary did something physical and that Is worse than a spiritual smell of death which comes forward from Donald 4 times every 12 minutes according to the fact checker.
I'm sorry you experienced that thing with the bumper sticker,there are some rude Individuals out there,when I say Trump supporters,I'm talking about deplorable,and most of the trump supporters I have talked to will defend the indefensible or deflect when the truth is presented,the deplorable will attempt to defend the Indefensible questioning our Intelligence,those that know we are not stupid will start to deflect knowing they can't defend the indefensible without Insulting truth.
Trump does no wrong,Hillary does nothing right In the eyes of Trump supporters and we both know that anyone that thinks that way Is not fair.