I would take issue about my tending towards the negative. But anyway I see nothing positive about storming your Capital and ending up with the deaths of five people because some fanatics didn't like the election result. Here we have had a long and bitter dispute about leaving the EU which included numerous pro EU groups camping and protesting outside Parliament for two years but no deaths reported thank God. Even now there are still serious divisions regarding the 2016 referendum result and the Government's handling of the Corvid 19 crisis.
The battleground is spiritual and in saying that as I have said before its God who is in control
so any outcome whether social or political he has allowed. That's not saying that its necessarily a good outcome from a temporal point of view but God looks towards his end plan not at ours.
The battleground is spiritual and in saying that as I have said before its God who is in control
so any outcome whether social or political he has allowed. That's not saying that its necessarily a good outcome from a temporal point of view but God looks towards his end plan not at ours.
Please show a Coroner's report/statement or death certificate?
Even further, a Hospital Name, Doctor or Spokes person regarding the deaths?
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