Maybe the great orange one shouldn't have killed the bill that would have fixed the problem
Acts gives us a Bird's eye view of church history
We can see the tribulation saints falling into two categories, those that denied Jesus like Peter and those that were consenting unto the death and persecution of Christians like Paul. Chapter 8 shows us the start of the persecution against the church after the rapture with Paul going into every house and arresting Christians causing them to scatter throughout the area.
Consider the persecution prior to chapter 8. First they tell them to stop preaching in the name of Jesus. Then they heal the lame man and the leaders freak out that they are trying to fill Jerusalem with this teaching. Think about what has happened the last few years, Youtube is being filled with those teaching and preaching Jesus.
Then it becomes clear they can do nothing to stop this so they take Stephen and put him to death. At the end of chapter 7 it says the heavens were opened. I believe that is the rapture event in typology in Acts. Stephen is an example of the dead in Christ who will rise first.
Which brings me to my point. What will be happening right when the church is raptured? I think the mirror image of the stoning of Stephen will be the stoning of Israel by the world. The OT prophesies about God responding because they divided His land. If you divide a person you kill them. The land is a type of Jesus Christ, He is our good land. When they stoned Stephen Jesus asked Paul "why persecutest me?" That was Jesus they were stoning.
That will be the final sign we will see prior to the rapture.