Judgment for what? Existing? Most of those people who have their homes destroyed had nothing to do with anything you're talking about. I bet if it was your house it burned down. You wouldn't be sitting here. Talking about it was God's judgment
Jesus told the world when He came the first time that the only sign this evil and adulterous age would get would be the sign of Jonah. He was in hell for three days and He rose again. That was the sign of Jonah. In addition the gospel of repentance for the kingdom of the heavens was preached throughout Israel for 40 years to the day from when He said this and then they were destroyed. That also is the sign of Jonah.
But in 70 AD when the temple and Jerusalem were destroyed it caused all the Christians to be dispersed and so the gospel of repentance was sent out to the whole Earth. This preaching went on for 40 jubilees which is 1,961 years.*. Add that to 70 AD and you get 2031 and sure enough we will have Armageddon. Anyone who has rejected the Messiah as Lord of all will be judged for rejecting Him.
*The way you count years is every seven years is a week of years. After seven weeks of years the next year which is also the first year of the 8th week is a jubilee year. So it is 50 years. However, 2 jubilees is not 100 years it is 99 years and 3 jubilees is 148 years. 40 jubiless is 40x7+1 = 1961.