Perhaps its time parents stop relying on the government and rely more on God and start doing their jobs as parents and taking the job seriously
I think that falls under the "no can do in 2022" category. It all began with the equal rights movements in the 60's and 70's where they took something seemingly good like equal rights and manipulated it for their own benefits. They were faced with trying to negotiate better benefits(insurance,retirement,pay ect.) because they only had a small pool of workers at the time and were competing for employees.
They took the words "equal rights" and made everyone think that meant that everyone would be making the same type living as those men did in the 50's and 60's where a family could buy a home,car have insurance ect. only on the husbands salary and double it because the wife was going to work. In truth though instead of a families making twice as good an living because both were working it ended up doubling the people applying for jobs. As time went on they would advertise 20 job opening's and hundreds of people(men and women of all races) would stand in line trying to get those 20 jobs. Because they doubled or tripled the the number of people looking for jobs they no longer needed to have retirement,good insurance ect.(people began begging for jobs instead of employers begging for employees)...
Then since they had both the mothers and fathers working they needed to invent things because of the paradigm shift(because both the father and mother were working when they got off work they were tired because they had worked all day) and so fast food and surrounding technology were invented. Microwaves,boxed pizza,tv dinners,baby formula ect. all began to flood the stores because they were tired and could no longer go home and do those things because they needed to rest.
As time went on then it was no longer an "equal right" issue of "if, the woman wanted" to work it became a fact of life that they would not be able to pay their house note,utilities,car note ect. unless the wife,mother also had a full time job. Now it's 2022 and both husband's and wives work but instead of the standard of life being doubled it was "divided by two" and is "equal" in that they both have to work harder to live the way they did in the 1960's.
I do agree with you though about the children and taking seriously raising them as God intended. It seems that the children are being severely impacted by this(bearing the brunt of the paradigm shift). The children are raised either in "day care" or "daycare 2"(school) because mom and dad both work all day and are too tired to give them their attention. Day after day the children raise themselves and play video games and do their own homework because mom and dad are too tired. It's a wonder we don't see even more immoralities and mass shootings than we do after letting them raise themselves. "No can do in 2022",,, try and reverse what big brother did with the equal rights
mandate try and apply for food type assistance and stay at home and raise your children and they will tell you " you don't qualify unless you
look for a job....