Three issues Id' like to address here and now. I am opposed to LBGTQ's public displays. I think they already border line on having more rights than normal people. I've even heard of Christian summer camps being threatened with closure due to sexual identification discrimination. Also the Baker that was taken to court because he refused to make a Gay wedding cake. What a load of

. Since I
am adopted, abortion would have ended not only me, but my children, their children etc.... Thus abortion is tantamount to geocide in my opinion.
However I will not Co-sign environmental rape and destruction or De-regulation of the banking and stock markets, Globalization and trade deals that hurt the U.S. Blue collar class, (which I have always identified with). Or the lack of healthcare coverage for every U.S. citizen which is discrimination against the poor! Working or not.
I'm fairly confident that somebody pays the NFL and the stadiums to do their bidding. It's no longer a true game devoid of politics or racism and reverse racism.
It's a business. In the interest of the veneer of political correctness, they might say, do or put anything in public that makes them look good to their fan base.
For Joe Biden to say publicly that; He chose a vice president who was a women of a minority race and to fill his administration with peoples' chosen by race, ethnicity or gender, is reverse discrimination.