Put somebody on the ballot that stands for the poor, the downtrodden, widows, orphans, homeless and opposes the greedy, powerful, Megalomaniacs and I'll vote for them.
And it does not just stop there. The government of the USA is presently in the hands of criminals (Swamp Dwellers) who wish to defund the police and put the various mafias and cartels in power. Did you know that the drug cartels in Mexico are hoping for a Biden victory?
Biden's Plan to Cede Control of the Border to Criminal Cartels
"...On July 8, his campaign rolled out the “Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations.” This 110-page document details the presumptive Democratic nominee’s overall vision for America, including immigration.
Biden’s immigration plan calls for the elimination of any pretense of immigration enforcement, which is exactly what the radical left wants..."
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