Altered? No, I did not say that at all. Please read more carefully, in context of the part I quoted. If you recall, Trump did not have the popular vote. Riots ensued across the country, with people complaining about how the win for Trump was not fair, as if the Electoral College was somehow a flawed system for choosing the president. So saying this current situation is unique seems erroneous.
Indeed That is a what the left was crying About 4 yrs ago.
So what? That is thankfully how our Constitution is formed.
There is a process in place to change or make amendments.
None of that had anything to do with the fraud perpetrated in this election.
The whole point of the article is to say “hey, we don’t like or have anything in common with you, you don’t like or have anything in common with us, let’s call it a day and become autonomous”.
Final point, the left did cause havoc after the last election BECAUSE Hillary didn’t win. NOT because anything illegal happened. There was video upon video of Trump voters getting assaulted.
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