My guess is that Trumps claims about the election will be vindicated, the Democrats will go down, and Trump will get more and more popular. But maybe more popular than any man should be...
if the elites really want to bring about maximum chaos , then let the dems think that they have won, let that hang out there a few weeks, then have some judge, or even the supreme court, throw out a few hundred thousand votes, declare trump the winner, they will go nuts.....
He might then, on election night, with only half the votes counted, declare victory - knowing that with mail in ballots being counted last the tallies are likely to substantially change in his oppositions favor as the counting continues for a few days. He might start calling for a halt to counting votes, and start riling up his ((predominantly uneducated and predisposed to believe conspiracy)) base with baseless allegations about fraud and misconduct, flooding courts with weak lawsuits to slow down the normal election process and fuel anger & mistrust in the most basic nonpartisan processes of our government. He may then pin his hopes on taking the election out of the hands of the voters and into the hands of courts which he's stacked with his own appointees, expecting them to be more loyal to him than to rule of law and due process, buoyed by popular opinion he's carefully shaped to be ready to start a civil war over lies he's cultivated over the course of years.
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