Sounds like you are like so many people in thinking that as long as one party has a majority in the House and Senate plus holds the office of the Presidency they can pass anything. Other than votes on Confirmations it takes 60 votes to pass anything in the Senate (it’s called a Filibuster). Now think back and tell me who had a super majority of 60, in recent history? So any bill banning abortion would need every Republican (current day) And 6 Democrat’s to pass such a bill. Not going to happen!
This is a problem with our current education system. Our young people are not being taught classes in Government, the Constitution and classes on the First Constitutional Convention and the Founding Fathers. In some systems History is not required to Graduate, but classes on how terrible the U.S. is (Hate taught buy Liberal Professors) Is being taught. Can’t blame people if they are not taught, although we do have the option of teaching ourselves and our children things that are not being taught by our educators . It is also a Parents right to know what our children are being taught In the current education system.
This is a problem with our current education system. Our young people are not being taught classes in Government, the Constitution and classes on the First Constitutional Convention and the Founding Fathers. In some systems History is not required to Graduate, but classes on how terrible the U.S. is (Hate taught buy Liberal Professors) Is being taught. Can’t blame people if they are not taught, although we do have the option of teaching ourselves and our children things that are not being taught by our educators . It is also a Parents right to know what our children are being taught In the current education system.
Now, before you are lecturing me on the constitutional and legal barriers against a political party filing a lawsuit in this general direction, I would like to add that there is a multitude of anti abortion organizations willing to go through with such a process, if the funding could be guaranteed. Such guaranties are not established at any point, and the outcome of the lack of it is that Roe vs Wade still applies.
There is no legislation preventing Republicans from supporting such.
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