It is very refreshing to be reading these posts that ring of common sense and reasoning!! I watch the way so many of the people in my state no longer know how to think for themselves. They don't know the joy and value of working for a living. They have not experienced that first paycheck and buying their first car with their own money as a young person.
Many young people today who have been brought up by parents who are on and in the welfare system don't know what it is like to earn their own living. Being helped by our government is NEEDED for people who are unable to work. We take care of our own. But many people have made welfare like a job. They know how to get blueberry cell phones and expensive flat screen TVs. They know how to work the system in other words.
Sad to say left wing liberal mindsets show these people that they are untitled to be cared for because as long as these people are needy, the liberals in our country will have a political job. So these kinds of young people honestly think they are entitled to tax money. They don't understand what taxes are for nor do they care to. It's survival to them to stay on assistance and they are also scared to go off of it. Fear is used by other people to control and deceive the masses.
Our gov't system works great when everyone is doing their part. But when we have career politicians and career welfare recipients the system caves in on itself. Just like letting illegal immigrants in our country.
They have to go by the rules and become legal citizens. When thousands come in and take from American tax payers, they over burden us. We can't survive if no one joins in and works.
Working FOR something is a priceless experience and like the previous posters said, President Trump knows what it is like to work for a living so those of us who work obviously like him and voted for him.