If and when Trump starts acting like a professional and stops acting like a walking Jerry Springer episode then I might consider respecting him
Aside from some of the stupid and inexcusable remarks he has made, and it's debatable how many that is, what your saying is almost hypocritical. If a person from another country without full command of the English language were in a prominent public position, or a person with a lower education level was, you would accuse anyone whom was critical of there speech patterns of being prejudiced and insensitive. However, because Trump is a "white male", whom liberals love to dump on, its all right for them to say the things the they do about the way he verbally presents himself.
The recent Nazi Germany remark is a perfect example of that. I grew up in NYC. My dad was born about 8 years before Trump. That generation (at least from NYC - I don't know about the rest of the country)
OFTEN used that term when describing something that was dictatorial. I heard dosens, maybe hundreds of times when i was growing up, and not coming only from my dad.
Yet the radical left got bent out of shape about it. I wonder how many xanax were consumed that day? The PC police once again reared its ugly head. To bad some people did not like the terminology he used. Life in this place where our bodies are currently stuck in is not always Rosebud. Sometimes people are doing to say things that remind us we are living in a fallen world. The problem here is that liberals, apostate's and atheist's that they are, want to remake the earth into a man made heaven in
their image. Just like Cain attempted to do as described in Genesis. It is very typical that the elitist liberals would follow this design. Because just about everything they do is counter to Gods kingdom. Educated as there are, they have no true insight or wisdom, which comes only from God.
They do the things they do naturally being deceived in darkness by the evil one they follow. Sadly, most of them are not even cognizant of this.
All at the same time while their guru satan is increasingly shaping this world into a pattern closer and closer to his horrific kingdom. Living in a fallen world is
supposed to remind us how sinful we are and apart from God and mold us into something closer to His desire for us.
It is mans folly to attempt to make a heaven apart from God.
Listen, we should be sensitive to other people. But that works both ways. The cry baby left needs to be sensitive to those whom they don't always agree with. The height of haugtiness and hypocrisy, the bunch of them.