LOL, shobromusicalpony,
Yeah, Jack In The Box tacos or bust for me. I won't go as far as 'crack,' at least, I don't think so, thank you, Lord, I've never tried the stuff, but, yeah, it's addictive, for certain , I love their meat. And, here's the truth, too. Remember, when they had that scam with kangaroo meat or something in their tacos back in the mid 80s, well, if you do, I loved it then too
So, I wouldn't mind trying kangaroo, sometime, too
Shamrock shakes are green, that IS what makes them good, brother, don't be arguing with me on that
And, all that barbosa, and carnitas and real tacos and your chili pepper stew (chili) , I know I would just love that stuff, I bet you could bottle it too and go on Shark Tank
The Lord leads. Again, liked your ' die is gain,' your pastor is in the Spirit and your learning is great ; I pray,too, you keep getting God's strength teaching those kids all the colors of the rainbow, the notes, of the song, as well as, figuratively speaking, all the colors of the rainbow

KEEP testifying to love, and, if you're not getting what's being said here, you should listen to that song.
Keep testifying of His Love wherever you go, rainbowbro