Ok, dressed and fed and loaded to bear for work now...and yes -
'Sir' is both gender specific and a notion of honor as a title of respect. I of course would be a fool to slap that in the face, but I wanted to show you my transparency in realness more than anything else, for Jesus showed His disciples transparency and even vulnerability to be a part of them in union and purpose. So, although the prefix is stunningly honoring and apropos to my gender, I delight in the fact I can be in a alongsider position of discussion and discovery with you.
In the old cultures people who were subordinate would say sir, even forcibly, to show their position of humility. And I am not a person who seeks a lie, I am about Spiritual truth. God has made us all His Children under one authority - namely Jesus Christ.
I know - a long explanation of my thinking process that happened in a flash second.., but I am happy to be called 'sir,' if you so desire. I also hope you think of me on equal terms as yourself; as His Child. That way we can all discover and discuss God together, as the Lord leads us. But to be clear - It is true - I am indeed a male.
