Its like tag team wrestling in here 

... one comes in and joins another, and then that shift goes to bed. Then the next shift comes in and Honors Jesus etc etc..
So, apparently it is my shift now and (???) Whomever else is out there lurking in the light. That sentence makes no sense huh? Lurking in the light? Because light itself has an above reproach attitude in it! A complete release from selfish endeavors and self-awareness.
Ok, so I had stuff happen to me today, Can I speak about it?
You can just pass this post if it is too long - I get it.
So, I was at work and I usually take this energy little 4 hr gig drink which is from Costco so it is more B12 vitamin type. And I was feeling good about it because it was less "energy-drink-like" than other brands. Ok, so I get on with taking it this morning and my spirit halts me. I feel a burden in my most inner most self - So I asked God about drinking them....
Well, He answered me and said stop taking them altogether and have faith in me and healthy ways. I sensed intuitively I was getting addicted, not so much to any chemicals, but more the ritual. It had become a mini-idol for me. How do I know that? Oh, this is where the story gets good for you and bad for me...LOL... Let me go back and finish the story then - So, I told Him I would not drink any energy drink and only water today, notice how my soul agreed on a limited situation? and I prayed He would bless it and give me enough energy to last the day. Now at this time I had laid it at His feet and surrendered it mentally, but spiritually? Don't worry the story is heatin' up!
The struggle wasn't in staying awake it was in not drinking it today! ... Wow, Satan made sure of that battle! He was all over that one! At first break, I began to doubt I could make it...but still did not drink it...Then Lunch break came and I thought to debate it with me, myself, and I - we all know about that mess! So I began to be proactive in favor of God's case to produce the legal grounds for success; so I debated the pros and cons trying to render a clad iron case for God to help Him win this thing.
But, I recognized the temptation immediately and remembered something God worked on me at another juncture in my life. I won't go thru that story here, but I concluded from it in Scripture that Wisdom is when one understands life is not about succeeding, but rather about success. I didn't need to find a good fight for God, I needed to rest in Jesus Christ who is success; and thus my success too. - So I put my foot down and said, "I told God I would not drink any energy drinks today. Then, the today hit me hard...He was telling me I was hiding some in the closet for later in there and claiming my right to be free to have them.
And to be sure drinking them is not a sin, unless God says no to you. He was saying no to me today. So, I had to give it up fighting to k the clause in the contract statement of "...for today." He may let me drink some later if He will it, and He might! But I had to be willing to say all of it as it was becoming an idol to me.
So, after the day ended I had not given in to temptation and I had surrendered the whole of the matter to Him concerning energy drinks categorically. What happened you ask?
He will blessed me for it!!, and Satan left me immediately in the temptation to drink it when I gave it all to Him.. The day went better than ever, and I had plenty of energy. I had always said to myself, I can stop this at anytime. But when God asked me to give it up I was like - "Sure??!" I saw the conflict in me, and I felt it too - it had become spiritual warfare. Thats right spiritual warfare over an energy drink! But more to the point, a battle of wills. God blessed me today more than all of last week. Why? Because I am not tired? No, I am tired! - shoot I work hard! But He blessed me because I was clear-minded and had enough energy to not be wilted along the way. He blessed me more than an energy drink could!
If He talks we must listen, or we shrink back and stop moving onward and upward. Like I said this is not about the policy of right and wrong on whether we can drink energy drinks - it is about whether we will follow the Person of Jesus Christ and God as He finishes His workmanship in us - transforming us into His likeness from the inside out.. He will do that differently for some over others, experientially but He will put us to task in getting rid of anything that stands in our way to being fully His in anyway. And fully loyal to His Word.
Ok, I'm done, but He is still speaking to me about many things...
So, apparently it is my shift now and (???) Whomever else is out there lurking in the light. That sentence makes no sense huh? Lurking in the light? Because light itself has an above reproach attitude in it! A complete release from selfish endeavors and self-awareness.
Ok, so I had stuff happen to me today, Can I speak about it?
You can just pass this post if it is too long - I get it.
So, I was at work and I usually take this energy little 4 hr gig drink which is from Costco so it is more B12 vitamin type. And I was feeling good about it because it was less "energy-drink-like" than other brands. Ok, so I get on with taking it this morning and my spirit halts me. I feel a burden in my most inner most self - So I asked God about drinking them....
Well, He answered me and said stop taking them altogether and have faith in me and healthy ways. I sensed intuitively I was getting addicted, not so much to any chemicals, but more the ritual. It had become a mini-idol for me. How do I know that? Oh, this is where the story gets good for you and bad for me...LOL... Let me go back and finish the story then - So, I told Him I would not drink any energy drink and only water today, notice how my soul agreed on a limited situation? and I prayed He would bless it and give me enough energy to last the day. Now at this time I had laid it at His feet and surrendered it mentally, but spiritually? Don't worry the story is heatin' up!
The struggle wasn't in staying awake it was in not drinking it today! ... Wow, Satan made sure of that battle! He was all over that one! At first break, I began to doubt I could make it...but still did not drink it...Then Lunch break came and I thought to debate it with me, myself, and I - we all know about that mess! So I began to be proactive in favor of God's case to produce the legal grounds for success; so I debated the pros and cons trying to render a clad iron case for God to help Him win this thing.
But, I recognized the temptation immediately and remembered something God worked on me at another juncture in my life. I won't go thru that story here, but I concluded from it in Scripture that Wisdom is when one understands life is not about succeeding, but rather about success. I didn't need to find a good fight for God, I needed to rest in Jesus Christ who is success; and thus my success too. - So I put my foot down and said, "I told God I would not drink any energy drinks today. Then, the today hit me hard...He was telling me I was hiding some in the closet for later in there and claiming my right to be free to have them.
And to be sure drinking them is not a sin, unless God says no to you. He was saying no to me today. So, I had to give it up fighting to k the clause in the contract statement of "...for today." He may let me drink some later if He will it, and He might! But I had to be willing to say all of it as it was becoming an idol to me.
So, after the day ended I had not given in to temptation and I had surrendered the whole of the matter to Him concerning energy drinks categorically. What happened you ask?
He will blessed me for it!!, and Satan left me immediately in the temptation to drink it when I gave it all to Him.. The day went better than ever, and I had plenty of energy. I had always said to myself, I can stop this at anytime. But when God asked me to give it up I was like - "Sure??!" I saw the conflict in me, and I felt it too - it had become spiritual warfare. Thats right spiritual warfare over an energy drink! But more to the point, a battle of wills. God blessed me today more than all of last week. Why? Because I am not tired? No, I am tired! - shoot I work hard! But He blessed me because I was clear-minded and had enough energy to not be wilted along the way. He blessed me more than an energy drink could!
If He talks we must listen, or we shrink back and stop moving onward and upward. Like I said this is not about the policy of right and wrong on whether we can drink energy drinks - it is about whether we will follow the Person of Jesus Christ and God as He finishes His workmanship in us - transforming us into His likeness from the inside out.. He will do that differently for some over others, experientially but He will put us to task in getting rid of anything that stands in our way to being fully His in anyway. And fully loyal to His Word.
Ok, I'm done, but He is still speaking to me about many things...
Water is the best energy drink one could ever had, & do you know what?