What I did:
1. Install firefox browser on my phone
2. used BING.com (not google) to search for '747 cockpit'
3. click on 'images' for search
4. click on an image i liked
5. click and hold on the image until Save/Copy command comes up
6. Look at the image's URL in the top of the Save/Copy command box... If it just has a normal URL that ends in '.jpg' it will work... .gif will probably work too, but make sure it doesn't start out with "....wikipedia/uploads" or something like that or it won't work
7. Choose COPY
8. Open a second browser window
9. Go to CC and start a reply
10. Here's where it gets tedious: Type
11. Post the sucka!
NOTE: If you view CC in the "Full Site" view, you might be able to click on the "Insert Image" icon at the top of the reply window instead of typing out