Oh Oh only 2.1 minutes left - Ok, no takers then ... I guess no one remembers me - Ah how sad. Thats ok I will write a poem then for fun in 2 minutes:
Jack Spratt could eat no fat,
his wife could eat no lean;
so separate frozen dinners they bought
and each felt peachy-keen.
Ok, there ya go - maybe i needed to post that in the new romance thread - LOL. No? Not even a little romance there? Ya you're right not so much huh? But a little I think just part of old people getting on with it in everyday practicality in Christ is romantic I think don't you? Passion comes from our devotion to Christ first and each other second - that never loses it enthusiasm.
Amen gorgeous - well said! And here's verse #2 LOL:
Jack Spratt could eat no fat,
His wife could eat no beans,

But when they read the Bible together,
Just look at what they glean.

Now that's romantic Mr Peabody!