Dear Jullianna,
Of these 50 -that's FIFTY - bad behaviors, there's about 10 I've put in bold that are IMHO predominately female conduct either in reality or perception. The rest are male behaviors in reality or in perception. Now, I'm no expert, but this "study' by Psychology Today seems a little slanted.
Thankfully, you'll be happy to know I've done a little bit of my own research and come up with a a handful of behaviors that are predominately FEMALE in reality or in perception, just to help even up this important research and present a less biased review. I'm hopeful there's other attributes that can be added to this list.
Consider this a "living document".
1. Don't act like a man if you're not one. It's ok to work out, but don't bulk up. It looks nasty.
2. It's like if I hear like the work "like" one more time, I think I will like kill you.
3. Silent treatment. Just say you're angry and get it over with. Silent treatments can go on for days.
4. The word "whatever" has become some kind of period. An end. There's no more discussion when the word whatever is used. It's like there's 2 minutes left in the ball game, Tennessee is down by 2 but driving from the 50 - then - whatever. It's over. That's it. Whatever. Don't say whatever.
5. It's annoying when "someone" cannot make up their mind. About anything.
6. Humans communicate with language. Not codes. Don't code things. Symbols or analogies or metaphors are very hard for "some people" to understand. Just be concrete, state names, places, events, times and don't code.
7. You're going to disappoint your mom and dad at some point. Get over it.
8. You've been independent and on your own a long time. Don't all of a sudden get needy.