Many people in our churches work behind the scenes and are often forgotten. The cleaners, landscapers, decorators. In smaller churches, often the pastor and family are doing most of the tasks behind the scenes.
I belong to a small independent Baptist church. Very traditional in terms of singing hymns and choruses during worship. My favorite activity each week, is singing in the choir. The pastor and I are the bass section.
Sometimes seems the church is dying as a few large families have left the church and only a few children left.
What is interesting, is that I considered that I may need to leave the church as well as perhaps God was leading me elsewhere. But began praying about it to be ensure of God's leading and not my leaving on my own accord. Suddenly, I am asked to lead Sunday evening worship, be in a church quartet and also lead the bible study and prayer next week. Has been over 30 years since I have prepared a bible study more than a half hour long.
Before attending Bible College, I was part of the College & Career planning committee and was responsible for leading bible studies each week. After Bible College, pastored a small country church for 4 years, taught Sunday School from small children to older adults( ages 8-9 boys was the most rewarding), sung in church choirs, was a church janitor, nursery worker, and so much more. If there was something to do in a church, I have done it at some point in life.