Nah Doctor Doom is just a regular guy, like Iron Man. He doesn't have any powers (although he is an accomplished sorceror, like Doctor Strange, who, incidentally, is also an Avenger now). However, like Iron Man, Doctor Doom has a massive intellect and has crafted robotic armor for himself which gives him various abilities. Definitely one of my favorite villains. Would be nice if they would do a quality reboot of the Fantastic Four (although I certainly have no problem with keeping Jessica Alba).
One of spider man's villains, Elektro, is able to harness and project electrical energy. As far as the Avengers go, don't forget Thor! As the Norse god of thunder, he is able to call upon massive bolts of lightning to smite his enemies (like he did to Iron Man in the Avengers movie when they were fighting, and he also used it against the big eel things as they were coming out of the interstellar portal near the end of the movie).
When Thor used this ability against Iron Man in the comics, it didn't charge him up like it did in the movie. It fried his suit.
Storm, of the X-Men, having the ability the generate and control weather, is also able to wield lightning bolts.