Bolo, spiritual war is both external and internal. The more we walk with God the internal sorts itself out "resist the devil and he will flee". Yes you can have deliverance but when a person can break off lies and walk in truth you will find the enemy will just leave as he looses his foothold. No deliverance needed. When the disciples were casting out demons the kingdom of God "was at hand"...Jesus had not yet died. Now the kingdom of God is IN US. So the more we renew our minds, walk in truth, the enemy has to leave. He has no right to be there. ALL authority in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus.....which means Satan has none. The only ground he ever has is what people have given him. Now you are a new creation in Christ walk in perfect fear. No fear of the enemy. He is the father of lies. You belong to Jesus...and he needs to "vacate" the premises as his time is up. Both in you, and in your home. Yeah, Im sure he aint happy about it...he never is when I person gets saved...but know who you are in Christ. You are a NEW creation...the old has gone...and the old rules nolonger apply