Let's try it this way. Suppose Bonnie is woman at the well.
Bonnie is sleeping with Bob (Mary's husband)
Bonnie is sleeping with Joe (Sally's husband)
Bonnie is sleeping with Jim (Jenny's husband)
Bonnie is sleeping with Bill (Linda's husband)
Bonnie is sleeping with Lou (Cindy's husband)
okay that's 5 guys.. NONE are Bonnie's husband
Bonnie is also sleeping with Dale... also not Bonnie's husband but he's not married to anyone.
NONE are *Bonnie's* husband ... I think Jesus was calling her attention to the fact that she's sleeping with ALL these men but she is not married to any of them...
Jesus saw through her sin... in the way he phrased it she was able to understand that she wasn't married and had no business giving herself sexually to ANY of these men that are not her husband.
Well I'm not sure if any of the men were actualyl married to another woman, scripture does not say.
This a good way to present the model
Okay, so her marriages aren't the "cultural/legal" marriage or else we'd have your unspoken of 6th husband, but yet he not her husband. The husband she with now is number 5 and even he is not her husband. In fact I beleive when she answered Jesus that she had no husband that she was being honest and that she thought he meant in the legal/cultural sense and she never underwent wedding ceremony, therefore she answer such. She simply thought he meant wedding ceremony, thus answer for her be no.
the model be this
1 She may have slept with 1 Guy not wedding ceremony, but maybe like ye olde girlfriend/boyfriend type stuff. Its not exactly unheard of if you're familiar with history (or daytime tv talk shows). This be her true husband!
2 (Bob Doe) she move onto either intentionally cheating, or maybe just things didn't work out with Guy 1 (might be the guy's fault idk, wasn't there).
3 (Jack the Fictional Pseudonym) she move onto either intentionally cheating on either Guy or Bob or simply relationship with Bob didn't work out
4 (John the Fictional Pseudonym) she move onto either intentionally cheating on either Guy, Bob, or Jack, or simply the relationships didn't work for various reasons.
5 (Walter Wellman the Fictional Pseudonym) she is now living with after or during her dramas with Guy, Bob, Jack, John. Yet even he is not her husband.