Ifs having a girlfriend more important than God? That's idolatry, lets not cover it up with our Christianese. If God never gave me a spouse, would I still be His, after years of fighting the answer most assuredly is yes. Having a gf when your heart isn't right with God, is bad for both parties. Nothing good will come of it. You will settle, not for what God wants, but for what you kungfu grip on your idol wants. It's painful saying this, because it has been my way for so long.
We as men, are to be Jesus Christ to our wives or future wives. Women do not get this privilege, men do. If we are not the person God wants us to be, He definitely will not give us the one He wants us to be with. He may allow someone in your life, that takes you away from faith in Him, and makes you miserable. God will do that. Don't play with fire, we get burned every time