The divorce rate in the US is around 50% according to the official government stats taken by the Census Bureau. That means there is a couple getting divorced for every two couples getting married. It fluctuates from year to year but remains around 50%. I know that it wasn't that high decades ago, but I wasn't able to find any data on old divorce rates.
The Bible talks about fornication and affairs all the time. It also says there is nothing new under the sun. We like to think we invented the wheel, and that this generation is the worst ever, but it isn't. We just can read about it on instant paper. Affairs have been happening since the beginning of sin. Am I advocating them? NO. Am I saying they should be glamorized? No. What I am saying is that they aren't new. People didn't get divorced even 50 years ago because it was frowned upon. Is that good or bad? I don't know. What I do know is that it didn't mean they were any happier just because they were married or that we can call them "successful" because they lasted 60 years of marriage.