You've been doing stuff wrong non-stop for the past 18 months Darlene.
You should have known that you had done her wrong and called her 18 months ago to make it right. 
I suppose I should have given a little more information. In that we have discussed what I did wrong twice my cousin and I and I sincerely said I was sorry and asked her to forgive me and in my mind we were o.k. But then I would try to call her and she wouldn't answer her phone.
When Tourist and I went on our northern trip last October I contacted her or attempted to by phone and I did write a letter explaining we were coming her way as I really would like for her to meet Tourist as she hasn't met him yet and we have almost been married 4 years now and this is the second time I have tried to get this meeting done. She chose not to respond because she is holding on to anger toward me.
So anyone have any ideas as to how this third talk we are going to have Saturday is going to fix things? In my mind we have been o.k. twice as how many times do I have to say I'm sorry and ask for forgiveness when I thought she accepted the previous two times I asked?
What did I do that was so terrible? Well when I was in an emergency situation bleeding to death literally after a surgery three weeks prior I started bleeding and we were in the doctors office and they are taking me by ambulance to the hospital for emergency surgery I said to my daughter I love you on the way out and to my cousin Dee I said - see if I ever make you biscuits and gravy again and she was offended that I didn't say I loved her too. Well it was a joke I was trying to make light of a bad situation and go for the laugh and she didn't think it was funny... I had made us all biscuits and gravy for breakfast before the bleeding started.... and this comment offended her.
She sat on this for 6 years without telling me just wouldn't answer my calls and upset with me I found out 6 years later and have apologized twice and asked for forgiveness for this comment... It has not been accepted. But then she has let many other things I have done or said build for years too and I'm probably not aware of most of it as she sits on her anger and lets it stew.....
So I'm confused as to if this third talk on Saturday will change anything as my first two sorry's and requests for forgiveness didn't take.
Suggestions anyone?