This whole line of reasoning occurred to me....
How do guys who smoke pot and play video games with no job and no skills, consistently get girlfriends and women fighting over them and hanging out all the time?
I realized I was looking at it from the wrong perspective. The guys I'm talking about haven't really tried to BE anything, they just are what they are, the take care of what is important to them and whatever else strikes their fancy. They are not pretending to be anything and what you see is what you get.
Not that I would jump ship and head for weed infested waters but, maybe just maybe, I have been trying too hard for too long, that I lost who I am or why anyone should even want to be with me.
For those guys its easy. Women know exactly what they are getting into. Its a fun game where people meet the expectations of the group they are with. The values, the music, the lingo, the whole nine yards is all apart of the culture.
Like Liberals like being around Liberals. Conservatives like being around conservatives. Potheads like hanging out with potheads. Women who sell scentsy hang around women who buy scentsy. Artsy women hang around the Artsy scene. Hipsters are notoriously into being Hipsters. Rednecks seem to enjoy themselves with Rednecks.
But the same things that can be said of one group can be true of another. Each group has its lingo, its values, its music, its whatever that makes it culturally distinct.
Frankly Christian Mingle has made a killing, off of targeting the stereotypical Christian Culture person. Good for them I suppose. If they have found God's match for you, then by jobe, you've got nothing to worry about in that department.
But I'm not here to talk about Christian mingle. I'm here to talk about me. I don't really fit into the culture. In fact most Christians around the world don't either. (I would hazard to say that most people on CC don't either)
The odd thing is that I don't really want to fit in. I tried fitting in back when Jesus Freak came out, and then it was Take me to your Leader and then it was the Books... Wild at Heart, Captivating, a Purpose Driven Life, then Francis Chan stuff. And somewhere along the way, jumped off.
But thats Culture... it goes through Phases. Christians Collect C.S. Lewis books the way Football families collect Bill Walsh's "finding the winning edge" or the way that Hunter S Thompson is to counter culture.
But what drove me a little bit crazy is that to me Christianity was something I expected to find everywhere. If I went to the dark streets of Mexico City, I expected to find Christians and people who longed for Salvation. After all needy people are EVERYWHERE, literally. They are in every culture, every profession, every tax bracket and every city in the US, and in the world.
And to a degree my prejudices were confirmed BUT, the notable exception was that each place had different Christians. Yes Christ was our connecting thread but, they didn't care about all WWJD bracelets or the NOTW shirts. And I didn't realize it but in that epiphany I had simultaneously connected with Christians and yet I cut myself off of Christian Culture.
This whole thing comes full circle because, I don't fit in and people don't know what to expect from me. I'm not trying to fit in. And Frankly I don't even like Chris Tomlin's music or Whatserface Jobe or whatever thing is in now. I don't draw that artificial line in the sand that says Our Culture is special and everything that isn't us, is "Secular".
"Secular" its such a funny thing. "Denoting attitudes which have no religious or spiritual basis" Yet its the Buzzword that everything that doesn't fit, gets tossed into.
Is this a Secular Radio station? NPR, ESPN, BBC... Is Johann sebastian Bach a Secular Composer?
Can a Radio station be Christian or Saved or Ordained? Does it REALLY "Anoint the Airwaves with God's Love"
Is Christian Mingle CAPABLE of finding God's Match for you?
Does any of this leave a bad taste in anyone else's Mouth?
Like I'm being coerced into swallowing this pill which makes settling into the nice Christian home, with wife and kids and church and culture all neatly wrapped up. And this place has walls, private schools, home schools, segregated radio stations, Christianese, Tim Tebows and Popular books making the rounds.
How do I keep my God, and my faith, and not lose my mind over all of the commercialization of it all. Its like conflicting Values are raging a war inside of me.
Ambition Vs. Humility.
Ingenuity Vs. Social Cohesiveness.
"If you ever want to get married, you have to fit in again and play along. Settle down and don't stir the pot. You might just get a man cave out of it."
"You have to Do it without any Compromise, Prove that a person can break out of all this garbage and still have a life that is representative of God to show for it."
I guess, my point is that Pot Smokers don't have to pretend, to belong. I don't have to act like I'm enjoying singing Jesus is my boyfriend songs at church, but if I'm going to give all of it up, I'm going to do it with every intention of Success.
Because I know I'm not alone but, right now it sure feels like it.